Program Pedagogy

Managing Change explores the principles of leading and managing effective change initiatives based on the research and writing of Professors, scholars, and thought leaders from Cambridge Corporate University. Through four key-tracks, the program addresses the new scope of the global need to master change initiatives management on both psychological and structural basis.By uniting some of the most respected minds in international business and the academic field, the curriculum is intensive. The program is presented via four tracks, Psychology Track,Lecturing Track, Workshops and Research Paper. The core concept, philosophy and structure of the program is created by Prof. Dr. H.El-Shazly, one of the world thought-leaders in change management and business transformation, and the current President of Cambridge CorporateUniversity.
Program Structure

The art of managing Change is structured and offered in small groups allowing for effective interaction among participants. The world-class at the CCU Corporate Centre hosts participants with a wide range of experience from different countries worldwide. The recent program offered on our local campus in Switzerland involves executives from 15 different countries. Participants are able to complete the program in an average of 40-60 hours, including the assessment and evaluation session.
Psychology Track

This unique learning track developed inside the Corporate Centre focuses on offering a specialised session on the psychology-related subjects. This session prepares participants to acknowledge the importance of emotional interaction at the workplace, employ emotional intelligence tools, and understand these processes' role in creating and managing wide-scale change programs. It also develops the required personality traits and skills help executives in addressing the ongoing challenge of change.
Lecturing Track

The program lectures offer intensive access to the most advanced information, research, industry practices, and academic materials in change management and business transformation; this track is strongly attached to psychology. Lectures are offered in different models on campus and online or via one of our international campus worldwide.

As an essential part of all CCU executive programs, participants are engaged in several workshops to enhance the participants' experience via CCU & CPI Scenario Case Studies and bring the reality of business to the classroom. Participants study different cases and learn how to use various advanced analytical approaches to manage change initiatives, form transitional teams, and handle change survivors. They also work closely with instructors to develop the comprehensive change-plan required to approach, manage, and balance change initiatives and formulate change strategies.
Program Paper

During the program, participants will have the opportunity to learn how to structure and manage complex change projects. They also learn how to define strategic frames and set priorities.Participants work in small groups to develop a successful formula for managing change programs and business transformation strategies. As an essential part of the program, participants submit and defend their Program-Paper (PP) detailing and structuring their approach to managing change program in international business setup, as part of the program assessment and evaluation requirements.
Program Take Away Benefits

After completing the program, participants should be able to understand and develop:
I. An Innovation System (IS) acts as the magic core of the productive chaos strategic formula used to create, manage, and direct the change process.
II. Change involves numerous phases that together, usually take a long time, critical mistakes in any of these phases can have a devastating impact, slowing momentum and negating previous gains.The structure of these phases is never fixed and should be formulated based on the direction of the process.
III. A change effort should be processed via a delicate mobile made up of content, processes, and employees' emotions and behaviours. Balancing the mobile is essential so that all pieces move in concert, increasing the likelihood of a successful change initiative.
IV. Over or Extreme change can tear organisations apart, managers, need to alternate major change initiatives with carefully paced periods of smaller changes. The result? Dynamic stability that can sustain a firm over a long-term period.
V. Leading change effectively hinges on employees who are empowered to support change initiatives and trust their managers’ ability to clarify the company’s intentions and articulate each person's role in the change effort.
Assessment and Evaluation
The Art of Managing Change ( CCU 2807-01 ) Program assessed as follows:
• Two written exercises on topics specified by the program committee focused on the participants' ability to set and measure change directions, particularly during different phases of the change process. (50%)
• One oral exam on topics related to the participant's ability to explain and define emotional interaction within the change process and how to empower employees during the critical phase of the process. (20 %)
• Class participation measures the participant's ability to work in teams and use the team harmony within the class and the workshops to progress during the program. (20 %)
• Program Paper focuses on measuring the participant ability to organise and structure change plan within the business environment. (10%)
Program Fee
The tuition fee for the ' The Art of Managing Change' program at CCU Corporate Center is CHF3500, only three thousand and five hundred Swiss francs, covering all the study materials, case studies and software.
Registration fee of 100 CHF is applicable at
the time of application. The program offered entirely on-line.
Payment plans are available in different models binding the approval of the admission office.
For more information about the program, to receive the program brochure or the application form, please write to the CCU Corporate Center
at : CCC@cambridgecu.ch
How to Apply

Application for admission to the program should be addressed to the CCU Corporate Center'sRegistrar Office using the official application form and defining the program and learning mode.
The completed form, accompanied by a copy of valid passport, or ID and confirmation of the application fee payment should be sent via email to the Registrar office
at: registrar@cambridgecu.ch
For information about the payment plans available, or to know more about the current program and degree offerings at Cambridge Corporate University, please contact the Registrar Office via email
at :registrar@cambridgcu.ch or call our Swiss hotline at: (41) 41 500 4674

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