Program duration
36 months
Mode of learning
Weekly live lectures
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Next Intake
06th june 2024
Cambridge Corporate University offers 14 Doctoral Programs leading to PhD, DBA, EdD, orDrPH, focusing on research, scholarly & corporate studies in various academic disciplines.
The doctoral program's primary goal at CCU is to prepare the next futuristic generation of leading scholars, corporate leaders, and researchers in different sectors.
The corner-differentiative stone in the doctoral programs at Cambridge Corporate University is the opportunity to join one of our corporate research work, studies, and apprenticeship as an integrated part of the program. Placement options are also available for distinguished program graduates to apply for faculty positions at different schools, institutes, and Cambridge Corporate University research bodies.
The CCU doctoral program study and research model help participants develop the necessary foundation to conduct their research or lead multinationals in the digital age.
Doctoral Programs by Department and Academic Area
The CPI Institute for Graduate Studies (CIGS) is the official academic body that supervises the doctoral programs' offerings at Cambridge Corporate University in collaboration with various schools, institutes, and research bodies at the University. Many of our doctoral programs are offered as joint degrees between different schools, institutes, and research bodies at the University.
Please click on the pictures below to view the currently offered doctoral programs by Department and Academic Area
Albert Schweitzer School Of Management (ASSM)
School Of Government
School Of Language, Culture , And Media (LCM)
The HealthCare Institute
Institute Of Artificial Intelligence & Robotics (IAR)
The Doctoral Research Hub at CCU
The SCSS is one of the primary research and academic hubs that support doctoral students atCambridge Corporate University. It was established in 2017 in the beautiful city of Lucerne,Switzerland, as a response to the growing demand for scholarly work and research studies in the political, strategic planning, and change management fields.
It also acts as a conflict resolution center that offers a well-crafted academic proposal to bring an end to the political and community conflicts around the world. The center works to develop an outstanding research-hub that gathers thought-leaders, scholars, and professional researchers worldwide to create a new and efficient think-tank. The innovative group offers recommendations and strategies to governments, international bodies, and related institutions interested in the same field of activities and governed by the neutral policy and approach at the SCSS and the CCU.
at the cCU doctoral Program , we created the setup , where you can visit the future
Why CCU ?
Students are forever changed by the CCU doctoral experience. They are challenged to ponder the most critical issues in different academic disciplines and to form insights by exploring levels of thinking that they never thought possible. They come to CCU with distinguished backgrounds and unlimited potential and develop into intellectual leaders, faculty at top business schools, and outstanding researchers.
At the heart of this experience are the relationships formed between doctoral students, faculty ,and research supervisors. In this collegial environment, students challenge each other, grow together, and enrich one another's learning experiences.
The wealth of knowledge and the transfer of experiences offered by CCU faculty distinguished world-class researchers, prominent scholars, and industry leaders, create an experience that doctoral students never forget.
CCU Doctoral programs gather some of the most prominent figures, business and community leaders from around the world. Our recent list of graduates and students includes Senior Politicians, Ministers, Government Administrators, Royal Figures, CEOs of International Corporations, Current UN Senior Administrators, Senior Officers at Multinationals, and more.
Futuristic Model
CCU is a futuristic educational and research institute that offers students the opportunity of unlimited research dimensions that investigates tomorrow's world under the supervision of faculty members who are creating the future.
Doctoral students enjoy many benefits of belonging to the CCU community, including cross registering into courses at the other schools and institutes at the University. Becoming a member of the Doctoral Cambridge Club in Switzerland or via one of the club sessions available worldwide.
A doctoral degree from Cambridge Corporate University requires the satisfactory completion of an approved advanced study program and innovative, original research of high quality that adds to the field of knowledge. At CCU, innovation is a way of life. Cambridge Corporate University is known as the 'Home of Innovators' for more than four decades.
Working with world-class faculty in the University schools, institutes, and research bodies, you define your program study and research parameters but within a quality system that ensures efficiency. Our doctoral program will transform the way you approach problems, formulate research plans, develop strategies and create value.
The program will also allow you to master the digital age of the industry by working on futuristic Artificial Intelligence (AI) models and techniques connected to the industry's future, which became an integrated part of all doctoral programs CCU.
Program Academic Credits and Duration
Doctoral Course Track (DCT) 8 modules (80 weeks) (240 Credits).
Doctoral Research Plan (DRP) (80 weeks) runs alongside the DCT (100 Credits).
Doctoral Dissertation (DD) ( minimum 16 months) (200 Credits).
Doctoral Program (minimum 3 Years) (540 Credits).
and Apply for Admission
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