The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program offered via different departments at the Albert Schweitzer School of Management (ASSM) at Cambridge Corporate University (CCU) is one of the most advanced business degrees and ranked on the top list of corporate programs worldwide with nine different majors.

In studying to earn a Business degree from Cambridge Corporate University, you will develop the capacity for independent critical thought and problem-solving, as well as other skills required in responsible positions in a wide variety of organizations and professions.

Program duration
36 months

Mode of learning
Online (Live Lectures)

Admissions & Fee
Payment plans are available

Next Intake
6th june 2024

BBA Students can choose among the following majors:

Why People come to CCU?

The CCU BBA World Class

CCU is an educational and research University that teaches students how to master the new world of change and manage the process's speed and scale.

Our BBA World-Class appeals to the new digital age needs and requirements, where diversity equals innovation and innovation equals wealth.

We gather different thinking schools, research perspectives, and talented minds under one roof, ensuring productive interaction. At CCU, our students and graduates are Masters of Wealth Creation and Value Generation, read more

The CCU BBA Curriculum

All academic programs at the Cambridge Corporate University are developed and taught by CCU faculty who are distinguished academicians, skilled educators, groundbreaking researchers, award-winning authors, and entrepreneurs in their respective fields.

CCU programs' curriculum and modules are unique, innovative, stimulating, and live. Only at Cambridge Corporate University will you enjoy the reality of experience and knowledge transfer, and you will link your every-week study, assignment, and curriculum to your business environment and activities, read more

The CCU Awards and Recognition

Cambridge Corporate University is a symbol of excellence in Corporate Education; the University, its institute, Centers, and Faculty have won several national and international awards, read more

Your BBA Learning Journey

Live Lectures

Scenario Cases (250)

Discussion Groups & Workshops 

BBA Program thesis

Alumni network portal

Program Manager

For more information about the BBA Program, please visit the program page 

Cambridge Corporate University

Seeburgstrasse 20,
 6006 Lucerne
