Our Mission
We work hard to create a better world.
As reinvented by the newly elected president Hossam El-Shazly,
At CCU, we believe that our ultimate mission is to participate in creating a better world.
Our students, faculty, and graduates are part of this new world engine, where every day makes a difference.
Our corporate learning model ensures that our daily activities are linked to the world of business, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, renewable energy, artificial intelligence, and digital transformation.
At CCU, we are not only participating in adding to the new world of knowledge, but we are actively involved in creating a brighter reality.
At the HealthCare Institute, our students, who are top pharmaceutical multinationals leaders, work hard to enhance humans life quality everywhere.
At the Albert Schweitzer School of Management, our students, who are industry blockbusters leaders, work hard to create value for everyone.
At the CPI Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, our faculty and graduates are continuously bringing new technologies and inventions to the world of renewable energy to secure food, water, and energy supply.
At the Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, we are inventing the future and acting as a leading driving force in the world of artificial intelligence and digital transformation.
At CCU, Prof.Dr. Hossam El-Shazly is the creator of the new SuperHumans (SH), Model,Dimension, Concept, Philosophy, Research, and Initiative, where the world's new superpower will dominate.

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