Please furnish us with a copy of your most recent and complete resume.
On a separate sheet please write short essays about the following :
1. Your long-term professional objectives. How did you arrive at them and why is a Ph.D./ DBA from CambridgeCorporate University necessary to achieves them ?
2. Your broad research interests and your potential plans for dissertation-level research –if known?
3. Other information that you think the Doctoral committee ought to know about your past record or future plans.Photo Please attach a photo of your self – headshot- if you will be admitted it will be included in CPI –Directory
Note: Your application will not be processed unless all of the above
items have been received by the Registrar Office. This application has
been designed to minimize multiple requests for the same data. For this
reason it is important that you answer all parts of the application
completely and accurately. Failure to follow directions may affect the
decision regarding your admission.
Completed application will be accepted Online or should be send by mail to:
Cambridge Corporate University
Admissions & Registration
Seeburgstrasse 20, 6006 Lucerne,
Phone: (41) 41 500 4673
(41) 41 500 4674