Admissions---------------> Graduate Study
Completed applications with relevant documents should be sent via email to the Registrar's Office at Cambridge Corporate University to registrar@cambridgecu.ch
Upon receiving the complete application with the required documents, it will be reviewed via the Registrar's Office and forwarded to the relevant Program Admission Committee (PAC).
The Program Admission Committee (PAC) will issue its formal decision to either approve the application, ask for more documents, reject the application, and inform the Registrar Office about its decision
Admission Procedures
Completed applications with relevant documents should be sent via email to the Registrar's Office at Cambridge Corporate University to registrar@cambridgecu.ch
Upon receiving the complete application with the required documents, it will be reviewed via the Registrar's Office and forwarded to the relevant Program Admission Committee (PAC).
The Program Admission Committee (PAC) will issue its formal decision to either approve the application, ask for more documents, reject the application, and inform the Registrar Office about its decision
Accepted Candidates to the program will be notified formally via the Registrar Office and will receive an Official Acceptance Advice, Offer of Admission, and Student Agreement.
In some cases and based on the program structure and requirements, the Program AdmissionCommittee (PAC) may ask for more documents, schedule an online interview with the applicants or ask for proof of existing academic qualifications.
CCU is a futuristic academic institute; all the CCU degrees, programs, and certifications are completed entirely online. However, for international students applying to study at the CCU localCampus in Switzerland, please refer to the Swiss Embassy or Consulate in your country for more information about the students' visa application and process.
Accepted Candidates to the program will be notified formally via the Registrar Office and will receive an Official Acceptance Advice, Offer of Admission, and Student Agreement.
In some cases and based on the program structure and requirements, the Program AdmissionCommittee (PAC) may ask for more documents, schedule an online interview with the applicants or ask for proof of existing academic qualifications.
CCU is a futuristic academic institute; all the CCU degrees, programs, and certifications are completed entirely online. However, for international students applying to study at the CCU localCampus in Switzerland, please refer to the Swiss Embassy or Consulate in your country for more information about the students' visa application and process.
Entry requirements Master Programs
• Applicants for one of the Master Programs at Cambridge Corporate University are expected to have achieved or expect to achieve a high standard in a degree course of an equivalent level to a Swiss Bachelor's degree. In most countries, this is a first degree (Bachelor's, Licentiate, Vordiplom).
• Proficiency in English: participants should be able to produce well-structured work, summarise key points clearly and discuss issues in writing from different points of view.
• There are no formal limitations on the subjects that are studied for a first degree. Still, we would normally expect applicants to have a firm grounding in the sciences, social sciences, or humanities and have taken some relevant courses in management studies.
• Applicants for one of the Master Programs at Cambridge Corporate University are expected to have achieved or expect to achieve a high standard in a degree course of an equivalent levelto a Swiss Bachelor's degree. In most countries, this is a first degree (Bachelor's, Licentiate, Vordiplom).
• Proficiency in English: participants should be able to produce well-structured work, summarise key points clearly and discuss issues in writing from different points of view.
• There are no formal limitations on the subjects that are studied for a first degree. Still, we would normally expect applicants to have a firm grounding in the sciences, social sciences, or humanities and have taken some relevant courses in management studies.
How to apply Master Programs
Applications for admission to the program should be made to the Cambridge Corporate UniversitySwitzerland's Admission Office using the online application form or via writing to the Registrar
Office at: registrar@cambridgecu.ch.
In addition to the application form, applicants need to arrange for the following documents to be sent to the CCU Registrar Office via email:
Applications for admission to the program should be made to the Cambridge Corporate UniversitySwitzerland's Admission Office using the online application form or via writing to the Registrar
Office at: registrar@cambridgecu.ch.
In addition to the application form, applicants need to arrange for the following documents to be sent to the CCU Registrar Office via email:
• Copy of the applicant's CV.
• Copy of the applicant's valid passport or ID.
• Copy of the applicant's most recent degree, diploma, or certificate.
• One digital picture high-resolution formal photo is required for the
• Completed MBA-PIM application.
• Master Essay Statement (MES), in a maximum of 750 words, please describe why you are interested in being enrolled in the Master program at Cambridge Corporate University and how it will reflect on your professional life career.
• Payment confirmation of the application fee.
• If the applicant cannot demonstrate fluency in the English language, an IELTS or TOEFL test report will also be required.
• Copy of the applicant's CV.
• Copy of the applicant's valid passport or ID.
• Copy of the applicant's most recent degree, diploma, or certificate.
• One digital picture high-resolution formal photo is required for the
• Completed MBA-PIM application.
• Master Essay Statement (MES), in a maximum of 750 words, please describe why you are interested in being enrolled in the Master program at Cambridge Corporate University and how it will reflect on your professional life career.
• Payment confirmation of the application fee.
• If the applicant cannot demonstrate fluency in the English language, an IELTS or TOEFL test report will also be required.
All the application forms, documents, and attachments should be sent via email to :
Transfer Credit (TC) Applications and Programs
For more information about the Transfer Credit Application process, eligibility, and programs at Cambridge Corporate University, please write to the Transfer Credit Committee (TCC) at :
All the application forms, documents, and attachments should be sent via email to :
Transfer Credit (TC) Applications and Programs
For more information about the Transfer Credit Application process, eligibility, and programs at Cambridge Corporate University, please write to the Transfer Credit Committee (TCC) at :
Doctoral Application Process
Applications for admission to the program should be made to the Cambridge Corporate University Switzerland's Admission Office using the online application form or via writing to the Registrar Office at: registrar@cambridgecu.ch
In addition to the application form, applicants need to arrange for the following documents to be sent to the CCU Registrar Office using the online application form or via email to:
1. Doctoral application
You should either complete the application online or download the application, complete it and send it via email.
2. Recent Curriculum Vitae (CV)
As part of your application to the doctoral program at CCU, you should provide the doctoral office with an updated copy of your CV.
3. Valid Passport or Identity Document (ID)
As part of your application to the doctoral program at CCU, you should provide the doctoral office with a valid and clear copy of your passport or ID document.
Applications for admission to the program should be made to the Cambridge Corporate University Switzerland's Admission Office using the online application form or via writing to the Registrar Office at: registrar@cambridgecu.ch
In addition to the application form, applicants need to arrange for the following documents to be sent to the CCU Registrar Office using the online application form or via email to:
1. Doctoral application
You should either complete the application online or download the application, complete it and send it via email.
2. Recent Curriculum Vitae (CV)
As part of your application to the doctoral program at CCU, you should provide the doctoral office with an updated copy of your CV.
3. Valid Passport or Identity Document (ID)
As part of your application to the doctoral program at CCU, you should provide the doctoral office with a valid and clear copy of your passport or ID document.
• Applicants for one of the Master Programs at Cambridge Corporate University are expected to have achieved or expect to achieve a high standard in a degree course of an equivalent level to a Swiss Bachelor's degree. In most countries, this is a first degree (Bachelor's, Licentiate, Vordiplom).
• Proficiency in English: participants should be able to produce well-structured work, summarise key points clearly and discuss issues in writing from different points of view.
• There are no formal limitations on the subjects that are studied for a first degree. Still, we would normally expect applicants to have a firm grounding in the sciences, social sciences, or humanities and have taken some relevant courses in management studies.
4. Digital Picture
High-resolution formal photo is required for the doctoral ID card, the application form, and the DPP(Digital Profile Photo)
5. Academic Qualifications, Transcripts, Diploma, and Proof of Existing Qualifications
Applicants should send a clear scanned copy of their recent degree, transcripts, and proof of existing qualifications. If your documents are not in English, you must upload a translation carried out by an accredited translator. Please ensure that scanned documents are clear and legible:failure to do so will result in delays in your application's processing. You should also scan there verse of your transcript if the mark scheme is explained there.
Qualifications in-progress: The transcript or mark sheet must include an up-to-date list of the subjects you have studied and the grades you have obtained in your studies so far. If you are at a university that does not supply transcripts or mark sheets, please ask your academic referees to comment in detail on your study progress. You may submit an application even if you are still awaiting some examination results; however, you must have fully graduated by the time you register at CCU.
Please list each in-progress course's title and credit value that you are currently studying on the application.
Qualifications already awarded: The transcript should include the information above, plus your final overall grade/classification and the date on which your qualification was awarded. You should supply this information for all university-level studies and any transfer programs or exchanges that you have undertaken. If your transcript does not include your final grade/classification and date of award, we will request either a certified copy of your degree certificate or a completed proof of degree form if we make you an offer of admission. Please do not send your original degree certificate, as we cannot return documents to you.
Applicants currently or formerly registered at CCU do not need to supply transcripts of their CCU qualifications as these are generated internally.
6. Two Academic or Professional References
Doctoral Applicant should nominate two suitable referees by providing their contact details in the application. You must ensure that each of your nominated referees submits a reference in support of your application. You should use each referee's academic/official email address when nominating your referees. Once you have completed the References section of your application, your referees will automatically receive a reference request email from CCU asking them to submit their reference via email.
You may submit your application without waiting until we have received your references; as long as you have successfully nominated two referees and completed all other mandatory sections of the application form, you are ready to submit your application.All references must be written or translated into English.
7/ Doctoral Statement of Purpose (DSP)
Applicants to the CCU doctoral program should provide their Doctoral Statement of Purpose (DSP) that describes their academic interest in, understanding of, and suitability for that program, as well as the purpose and objectives in undertaking this graduate study and how the doctoral degree from CCU will reflect on their professional career.
The doctoral statement of academic purpose is an important part of your application. Selectorsare looking for evidence of your academic motivation and suitability and what you can contribute to the program.
Your statement(s) should be typed and no longer than two sides of A4 paper. There is no fixed word limit, but we expect statement(s) to be no longer than 1,000 - 1,500 words.
In your statement, you may wish to discuss the following:
• Motivation for undertaking the program (s)
• Academic interests, strengths, and background relevant to the program (s)
• Areas of specific interest within the program (s)
• Academic ambitions and/or research interests related to the program
• Any professional aspirations and how academic work within the program (s) might help you realize such aspirations
• Other relevant information, such as additional reading or research, work, or other relevantexperience that has informed your decision to apply for the particular program (s)
8. PhD Applications / Research Statement/ Proposal
Applicants to the Doctor of Philosophy degree, Ph.D. should submit their research statement with other application documents.
You should state your research topic as accurately as possible. Your research statement/ proposal should address the following questions:
What is your general topic?
What questions do you want to answer?
Ph.D. applications that are received without a research proposal that addresses these questions will not be considered. Your proposal should be approximately 1,500 words in length
• Your research proposal must be your own work
• Make sure that each page has your name in the header or footer
• Make sure that you proofread your statement/ proposal before you send it, and make sure that you sent the final corrected version
• Stick to our recommended word limit - the selectors don't have time to read huge documents running too many pages.
9. English Test Score
There is no formal requirement to submit an English Test Score with your doctoral application; however, if the applicant cannot demonstrate fluency in the English language, an IELTS or TOEFL test report will also be required.
10.Payment confirmation of the application fee
to the provided CCU account via bank transfer,PayPal, or Credit-card Under no circumstances should payment card details be sent to CCU by email. Please note that the application fee is not refundable.
A proportion of the application fee income that we receive each year is used to support students scholarship at CCU.
• Applicants for one of the Master Programs at Cambridge Corporate University are expected to have achieved or expect to achieve a high standard in a degree course of an equivalent levelto a Swiss Bachelor's degree. In most countries, this is a first degree (Bachelor's, Licentiate, Vordiplom).
• Proficiency in English: participants should be able to produce well-structured work, summarise key points clearly and discuss issues in writing from different points of view.
• There are no formal limitations on the subjects that are studied for a first degree. Still, we would normally expect applicants to have a firm grounding in the sciences, social sciences, or humanities and have taken some relevant courses in management studies.
4. Digital Picture
High-resolution formal photo is required for the doctoral ID card, the application form, and the DPP(Digital Profile Photo)
5. Academic Qualifications, Transcripts, Diploma, and Proof of Existing Qualifications
Applicants should send a clear scanned copy of their recent degree, transcripts, and proof of existing qualifications. If your documents are not in English, you must upload a translation carried out by an accredited translator. Please ensure that scanned documents are clear and legible:failure to do so will result in delays in your application's processing. You should also scan there verse of your transcript if the mark scheme is explained there.
Qualifications in-progress: The transcript or mark sheet must include an up-to-date list of the subjects you have studied and the grades you have obtained in your studies so far. If you are at a university that does not supply transcripts or mark sheets, please ask your academic referees to comment in detail on your study progress. You may submit an application even if you are still awaiting some examination results; however, you must have fully graduated by the time you register at CCU.
Please list each in-progress course's title and credit value that you are currently studying on the application.
Qualifications already awarded: The transcript should include the information above, plus your final overall grade/classification and the date on which your qualification was awarded. You should supply this information for all university-level studies and any transfer programs or exchanges that you have undertaken. If your transcript does not include your final grade/classification and date of award, we will request either a certified copy of your degree certificate or a completed proof of degree form if we make you an offer of admission. Please do not send your original degree certificate, as we cannot return documents to you.
Applicants currently or formerly registered at CCU do not need to supply transcripts of their CCU qualifications as these are generated internally.
6. Two Academic or Professional References
Doctoral Applicant should nominate two suitable referees by providing their contact details in the application. You must ensure that each of your nominated referees submits a reference in support of your application. You should use each referee's academic/official email address when nominating your referees. Once you have completed the References section of your application, your referees will automatically receive a reference request email from CCU asking them to submit their reference via email.
You may submit your application without waiting until we have received your references; as long as you have successfully nominated two referees and completed all other mandatory sections of the application form, you are ready to submit your application.All references must be written or translated into English.
7/ Doctoral Statement of Purpose (DSP)
Applicants to the CCU doctoral program should provide their Doctoral Statement of Purpose (DSP) that describes their academic interest in, understanding of, and suitability for that program, as well as the purpose and objectives in undertaking this graduate study and how the doctoral degree from CCU will reflect on their professional career.
The doctoral statement of academic purpose is an important part of your application. Selectorsare looking for evidence of your academic motivation and suitability and what you can contribute to the program.
Your statement(s) should be typed and no longer than two sides of A4 paper. There is no fixed word limit, but we expect statement(s) to be no longer than 1,000 - 1,500 words.
In your statement, you may wish to discuss the following:
• Motivation for undertaking the program (s)
• Academic interests, strengths, and background relevant to the program (s)
• Areas of specific interest within the program (s)
• Academic ambitions and/or research interests related to the program
• Any professional aspirations and how academic work within the program (s) might help you realize such aspirations
• Other relevant information, such as additional reading or research, work, or other relevantexperience that has informed your decision to apply for the particular program (s)
8. PhD Applications / Research Statement/ Proposal
Applicants to the Doctor of Philosophy degree, Ph.D. should submit their research statement with other application documents.
You should state your research topic as accurately as possible. Your research statement/ proposal should address the following questions:
What is your general topic?
What questions do you want to answer?
Ph.D. applications that are received without a research proposal that addresses these questions will not be considered. Your proposal should be approximately 1,500 words in length
• Your research proposal must be your own work
• Make sure that each page has your name in the header or footer
• Make sure that you proofread your statement/ proposal before you send it, and make sure that you sent the final corrected version
• Stick to our recommended word limit - the selectors don't have time to read huge documents running too many pages.
9. English Test Score
There is no formal requirement to submit an English Test Score with your doctoral application; however, if the applicant cannot demonstrate fluency in the English language, an IELTS or TOEFL test report will also be required.
10.Payment confirmation of the application fee
to the provided CCU account via bank transfer,PayPal, or Credit-card Under no circumstances should payment card details be sent to CCU by email. Please note that the application fee is not refundable.
A proportion of the application fee income that we receive each year is used to support students scholarship at CCU.
Doctoral & Fellowship Programs
Financing Your Education - CCU Doctoral Programs
A doctoral degree from Cambridge Corporate University is a significant investment in your future, and financing your education is a critical factor to consider.Cambridge Corporate University offers a limited number of full and partial scholarships and grants to specific programs every year.
As a CCU doctoral student, if you are admitted to the Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University, you will receive a full-funding guarantee for your fellowship program. However, for the doctoral program, we encourage you to pursue external fellowships and explore research funding opportunities beyond Cambridge Corporate University, as the number of scholarships is very limited.
The Scholarship Committee at the University receives applications from doctoral students who satisfy one or more of the following criteria and partial and full scholarship conditions :
A doctoral degree from Cambridge Corporate University is a significant investment in your future, and financing your education is a critical factor to consider.Cambridge Corporate University offers a limited number of full and partial scholarships and grants to specific programs every year.
As a CCU doctoral student, if you are admitted to the Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University, you will receive a full-funding guarantee for your fellowship program. However, for the doctoral program, we encourage you to pursue external fellowships and explore research funding opportunities beyond Cambridge Corporate University, as the number of scholarships is very limited.
The Scholarship Committee at the University receives applications from doctoral students who satisfy one or more of the following criteria and partial and full scholarship conditions :
• Citizens of developed countries currently reside in war areas or are listed as refugees.
• Members of CCU Club/CPI Community Club Worldwide
• Members of the faculty-body at Cambridge Corporate University
• Residents of the listed crisis regions by the United Nations
• Recipients of international scientific, research, and corporate award worldwide
• Human rights activities, freedom activities, and members of the women recognized active groups, societies, and institutions
For more information about the scholarship availability, eligibility and application, please write to the CCU Scholarship Committee at
• Citizens of developed countries currently reside in war areas or are listed as refugees.
• Members of CCU Club/CPI Community Club Worldwide
• Members of the faculty-body at Cambridge Corporate University
• Residents of the listed crisis regions by the United Nations
• Recipients of international scientific, research, and corporate award worldwide
• Human rights activities, freedom activities, and members of the women recognized active groups, societies, and institutions
For more information about the scholarship availability, eligibility and application, please write to
the CCU Scholarship Committee at
Transfer Credit (TC) Applications and Programs
For more information about the Transfer Credit Application process, eligibility, and programs atCambridge Corporate University, please write to the Transfer Credit Committee (TCC) at :
Submitting Your Application
You must submit your application and supporting documents using either the online application form or via email to the Registrar Office at : registrar@cambridgecu.ch
Please make sure that all of your supporting documents are legible and uploaded in one of the following formats: pdf, doc, docx, jpg, png, or gif.
Please remember that it is your responsibility to ensure that your application is complete, including both references, your statement of academic purpose and CV, your transcript(s), the application fee payment confirmation, and, where applicable, GRE/GMAT scores, your research statement/ proposal and/or your sample of written work when applicable. Program selectors will not consider incomplete applications.
All the application forms, documents, and attachments should be sent via email to:
Applications by post should be sent to :
Cambridge Corporate University
The Admission and Registration Office:
Seeburgstrasse 20, 6006 Lucerne, Switzerland
For further information about the program or to receive an application form, please contact the program committee at:
or write to the Registrar Office at CCU via :
For more information about the Transfer Credit Application process, eligibility, and programs atCambridge Corporate University, please write to the Transfer Credit Committee (TCC) at :
Submitting Your Application
You must submit your application and supporting documents using either the online application form or via email to the Registrar Office at : registrar@cambridgecu.ch
Please make sure that all of your supporting documents are legible and uploaded in one of the following formats: pdf, doc, docx, jpg, png, or gif.
Please remember that it is your responsibility to ensure that your application is complete, including both references, your statement of academic purpose and CV, your transcript(s), the application fee payment confirmation, and, where applicable, GRE/GMAT scores, your research statement/ proposal and/or your sample of written work when applicable. Program selectors will not consider incomplete applications.
All the application forms, documents, and attachments should be sent via email to:
Applications by post should be sent to :
Cambridge Corporate University
The Admission and Registration Office:
Seeburgstrasse 20, 6006 Lucerne, Switzerland
For further information about the program or to receive an application form, please contact the program committee at:
doctoral@cambridgecu.ch or write to the Registrar Office at CCU via : registrar@cambridgecu.ch
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