The MBA-PIM is the world-leading top-ranked MBA program in Pharmaceutical Industry Management. The program hosts students from leading multinational pharmaceutical organizations around the world, including the top 10 companies at all times.
The program focuses on enhancing the creativity and ability to achieve while developing the participants' required professional skills preparing them systematically to excel in leading and management positions across the industry. Successful graduates are current and future candidates for top leading positions in the industry.
Apply Now, and benefit from the CHF 3000 Special Grant Program (SSG99) for pharmaceutical professionals covered by the Health Care Institute at CCU.
Program duration
18 months
Mode of learning
Online (Weekly live lectures)
Admissions & Fee
Payment plans are available
Next Intake
06th September 2024
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The MBA in Pharmaceutical Industry Management 'PIM' is the degree of choice for professionals working in the international world-class pharmaceutical industry.
The MBA-PIM Program at CCU hosts students from different industry sectors and positions at the leading multinational pharmaceuticals at all times. The currently enrolled roster includes Pfizer, Roche, Novartis, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Bristol Myers Squibb, Biogen, and many others.
The MBA-PIM at Cambridge Corporate University (CCU) is the first and only post graduate accredited degree with a major in Pharmaceutical Industry Management available worldwide.
• Emotional intelligence and Pharma creative thinking skills
• Local and regional team development and management
• Pharmaceutical leadership styles and perception
• Strategic alliances and outsourcing,
• International communication in the Pharma industry
• Leadership and management behavioural skills and characteristics for senior pharmaceutical positions
• The future of HR in the multinational pharmaceutical industry
• Artificial Intelligence tools and application in the pharmaceutical industry
• Pharmaceutical market segmentation
• Market research & Product Management
• Personal selling, marketing ethics
• Sales promotion, pricing, and digital marketing
• Project management in the pharmaceutical industry
• Project planning, execution, and monitoring
• Timeline and budget planning
• Management of regulatory and compliance strategies
• Product, Project, and Project Management Lifecycles
• BSC-Pharma strategic tools and techniques
• BSC-Pharma Crisis Center
• Visionary pharmaceutical metrics
• Pharmaceutical Strategy & Change Management
• Strategic tools in the pharmaceutical industry
• Pharma non-financial metrics
• Linking resources function to resources planning and implementation
• Clinical trials design and publication
• Academic and Technical Writing
• Regulatory affairs structure and function
Topics Covered
in the
Program Include
• Emotional intelligence and Pharma creative thinking skills
• Local and regional team development and management
• Pharmaceutical leadership styles and perception
• Strategic alliances and outsourcing,
• International communication in the Pharma industry
• Leadership and management behavioural skills and characteristics for senior pharmaceutical positions
• The future of HR in the multinational pharmaceutical industry
• Artificial Intelligence tools and applications in the pharmaceutical industry
• Pharmaceutical market segmentation
• Market research & Product Management
• Personal selling, marketing ethics
• Sales promotion, pricing, and digital marketing
• Project management in the pharmaceutical industry
• Project planning, execution, and monitoring
• Timeline and budget planning
• Management of regulatory and compliance strategies
• Product, Project, and Project Management Lifecycles
• BSC-Pharma strategic tools and techniques
• BSC-Pharma Crisis Center
• Visionary pharmaceutical metrics
• Pharmaceutical Strategy & Change Management
• Strategic tools in the pharmaceutical industry
• Pharma non-financial metrics
• Linking resources function to resources planning and implementation
• Clinical trials design and publication
• Academic and Technical Writing
• Regulatory affairs structure and function
* CCU is an educational and research University that teaches students how to master the new world of change and manage the speed and the scale of the process. Our World-Class appeals to the new digital age needs and requirements, where diversity equals innovation and innovation equals wealth. Each World Class of the MBA-PIM program is another face of your international pharmaceutical organization, where you learn to practice, practice to innovate and innovate to excel.
* We gather different thinking schools, research perspectives, and talented minds under one roof, and we ensure productive interaction. At CCU, our students and graduates are Masters of Wealth Creation and Value Generation.
* CCU is the world-leading Corporate University with top-ranked programs in different academic disciplines. The MBA-PIM program is ranked on the top list of industry specialized programs by elite academic and accreditation bodies worldwide.
* The wealth of the academic and corporate experience embedded in the program makes our graduates equal to wealth; they are able to create a difference, masters of value creation, and future selected candidates for leading industry positions.
* The MBA-PIM Program at CCU hosts students from different industry sectors and positions at the top-ranked multinational pharmaceuticals at all times. The currently enrolled roster includes Pfizer, Roche, Novartis, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Bristol Myers Squibb, Biogen, and many others.
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