CCU response to the invasion of Ukraine

This page provides information about the University's response to the invasion of Ukraine, as well as advice and support for our staff and students impacted.

The CCU PR team will update this page regularly

The act of invasion of Ukraine by Russia causes a humanitarian catastrophe in Europe. Members of the CCU academic community are appalled by the current situation and in awe of the bravery shown by Ukrainians and the bravery of those Russians who have denounced their government's aggression.

At Cambridge Corporate University, we believe in our role in creating a better and safer world, and we stand by our responsibilities in the currently unfolding situation.

You will find here below and after more information about the support services for our students and staff, the actions being taken by CCU and the different ways you can contribute.

President's Message

CCU response to the invasion of Ukraine

Cambridge Corporate University works to provide welfare support to students and staff who have been impacted by the situation and developments and provides academic and financial support where necessary.

The Deanship of Students Affair has written to all our impacted staff and students from Ukraine,Russia and Belarus to offer all the possible types of support.Both the Board of Trustees and the President's Office are working to ensure that all members of the CCU community are supported, and we plan to respond appropriately as the situation develops.

Academic impacts

Students who are unable to access the CCU online teaching or resources, please contact the registrar's office to know about the new models in place to support your learning.

The Board of Examiners at CCU approved several processes to help you if the conflict has disrupted your studies or may impact your ability to complete your exams or assessment.

Financial support and Scholarships

The scholarship committee at Cambridge Corporate University offers different types of scholarships and financial support schemes to all students impacted by the current developments.

If you are facing financial difficulties as a result of the recent developments in Ukraine, please write to the scholarship committee at CCU via :

Full Scholarship Grants Offer

Cambridge Corporate University offers 15 full scholarship grants for students who are impacted by the current situation, the scholarship grants are as follows:

Five (5) Full BBA Scholarship Grants with the total value of CHF 150'000

Seven Full MBA Scholarship Grants with the total value of CHF 210'000

Three (3) Full Doctoral Scholarship Grants with the total value of CHF 135'000

Alumni Support

The alumni office at CCU in the impacted regions remain in constant contact with our students and staff to provide any possible support. Please email the regional alumni director at for more details.

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